
Our vision is to be a one stop resource hub for free Biblically sound conservative evangelical Christian resources.

Target Audience

Conservative evangelical Christians. This is both how wide and narrow we wish to define the scope of the ministry. As we are one universal Church at the end of the day, we are United for the Messiah through the same Holy Spirit that indwells all believers. As Uni4M is a ministry and not a Church, we believe we should not be divided over non-essential non-doctrinal differences, but rather build each other up through the Word of God.

Would like to contribute?

Are you interested in contributing time, resources or ideas? If yes, please contact us. We encourage you to communicate any feedback, suggestions and contributions you may have. Our aim is for this to be an ever evolving resource, therefore we value your feedback.


Unless otherwise stated, Uni4M does not own the resources shared on this website, but rather links to other websites or YouTube Channels. Although we take every effort to ensure the content and ministries shared falls within the scope of the target audience, especially in terms of content that upholds the inerrancy of Scripture, we cannot possibly review every individual article, video, podcast episode, etc. released by ministries we have shared. In light of this, if you come across a ministry or resource on this website that you believe falls outside of the scope of conservative evangelical Christianity, please let us know immediately. We urge everyone to be as the good Bereans in Acts 17:11.


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